Comparing Bean To Cup and Espresso Coffee Machines
Posted on July 20, 2016 in Food Suppliers
For a restaurant owner, commercial coffee machines are a must have. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks today, and with more and more customers bound to order it, even the smallest restaurant at the corner should stock a coffee machine. However, most people are faced with a dilemma between the traditional bean to cup machine and the more advanced espresso machine when making a purchasing decision. For the small restaurants especially, here are some reasons why it is not necessary to splash cash on an espresso machine.
Customers come to the restaurant for the quality and consistency. When it comes to drink quality, the espresso machine will likely produce a higher quality coffee drink. But this will require the constant attention of a barista. However, in a small restaurant setting, there will likely not be a resident barista and different employees will be operating the machine at different times. This might lead to inconsistencies. To keep the customers coming back, the simple bean to cup type is appropriate. It has a push button and is guaranteed to produce the same consistent quality regardless of whoever pushes the button.
The small seafood restaurant in Sydney might have issues with space. The same issue is faced by many employers when seeking office coffee machines. The bean to grind machine is smaller and more compact. It takes up less of the restaurant or office space as it does not need the common accessories associated with the espresso machine such as the barista kits, drawers and filters.
For consistent quality, the coffee machine needs to be cleaned regularly. From coffee machine to slush machine hire and purchase, one of the most tedious jobs operators commit themselves to is the cleaning. From cleaning the pots and bowls to emptying the coffee filters and condenser filters. The typical espresso machine is especially tedious to clean with the barista kits. However, the smaller bean to cup machine is easy to clean, taking as little as five minutes every day. In most bean to cup machines, the cleaning process runs automatically. This way, employees can concentrate on other tasks while the coffee machine cleans itself.
These bean to cup machines are very versatile. There is not much involved in operating one, all the operator has to do is press a button. The coffee is then dispensed in between 25 to 30 seconds. With such versatility, they can be used either in over the counter applications or in a self-service set up. They are ideal in any restaurant depending on the direction the owner wants to take with their service.
Most people think about capacity of coffee machines when buying and forget to compare that to the machine performance. A machine can be able to produce 500 cups but the rate at which the cups are dispensed will be very slow. For espresso machines, for one to achieve performance they have to go for the more expensive machines with more boilers and baristas. However, for the bean to cup, the speed is consistent throughout the day.